Welcome to BPMSG – Jan 2021

Dear Friends, dear Visitors,

Thank you for visiting BMPSG; another six months passed and – probably due to Covid 19 – the interest in my online tools for business performance management and the Analytic Hierarchy Process is not declining.

My free AHP online software AHP-OS gained popularity. I haven’t made major modifications, but I am pleased to announce the addition of the Spanish language version. Just click on “Español” on the entry page, and all text output will be in Spanish. I appreciate this contribution from Gregorio, who made the effort to translate the English text files! Any other language translation is welcome, if you want to contribute, please contact me.

When using the software, please make a reference to my paper published in IJAHP about AHP-OS from 2018.

In the last couple of months I shifted my focus from (AHP) software development using PHP to other software developments using Python, yet I will maintain AHP-OS in future. Please let me know if you discover any bugs.

Many thanks to all donors, supporting this website, please continue to support my effort with a small donation, especially when you use my free templates or online software. Over the last 3 years donations were barely sufficient to finance my running costs.

For now, please enjoy your visit on the site and feel free to leave me a comment – it is always appreciated. And keep in mind: Better to be approximately right than precisely wrong.


Klaus D. Goepel, Singapore, Jan 2021

BPMSG stands for Business Performance Management Singapore. As of now, it is a non-commercial website, and information is shared for educational purposes. Please see licensing conditions and terms of use.

About the author

Welcome to BPMSG – July 2019

Concepts, Methods and Tools to manage Business Performance

Dear Friends, dear Visitors,

We released a major update of my free AHP online software. It is now running under PHP 7 and should be noticeable faster than before. Beside some under-the-hood improvement a few new features were added. For more details read my post here.

As a new tool on my website I added a collection of my literature about multi-criteria decision making and AHP. It is available for everyone under the menu point Tools -> Literature. I am using the open source software package Wikindx5. You can browse or search for articles, authors, journals etc. Over time I will fill it up with more article and other research contributions. You can also register as a user and add your own literature to share with others.

Wikindx allows to include citations into a blog. As an example, the following reference is taken from Wikindx:

Many thanks to all donors, supporting this website. Unfortunately, over the last months I didn’t receive many donations. The annual invoice from my hosting provider is expected to come soon, therefore, please continue to support my effort with a small donation, especially when you use my free template or online software.

For now, please enjoy your visit on the site and feel free to leave a comment – it is always appreciated. And keep in mind: Better to be approximately right than precisely wrong.


Klaus D. Goepel, Singapore, July 2019

BPMSG stands for Business Performance Management Singapore. As of now, it is a non-commercial website, and information is shared for educational purposes. Please see licensing conditions and terms of use.

About the author

Welcome to BPMSG – July 2018

Concepts, Methods and Tools to manage Business Performance

Dear Friends, dear Visitors,

the international symposium on the Analytic Hierarchy Process ISAHP 2018 in Hongkong is just finished, and I gave two presentations in the track Multi-criteria Decision Analysis – Methodology and Theory. One about the AHP balanced scale, and the other about the implementation of my AHP online software AHP-OS.

I’m thankful to the program committee to have received the most innovative idea reward for the paper about AHP-OS.

Some interesting papers were presented, for example Cardinal and Ordinal Inconsistency in pairwise Comparison Matrices by Konrad Kulakowski, or Coherency: an Innovation to Test Data Quality and Reduced Comparisons in the ANP by Orrin Cooper, just to mention two.

I will update you with the link, once the conference proceedings are published.
The conference gave participants also an opportunity for many discussions and the exchange of ideas.

Please continue to support my effort, either with a donation, or a rating to my web posts, which will help me as a feedback to my work.

For now, please enjoy your visit on the site and feel free to leave a comment – it is always appreciated. And don’t forget: Better to be approximately right than precisely wrong.


Klaus D. Goepel,

Singapore, July 2018

BPMSG stands for Business Performance Management Singapore. As of now, it is a non-commercial website, and information is shared for educational purposes. Please see licensing conditions and terms of use.

Welcome to BPMSG – September 2017

Concepts, Methods and Tools to manage Business Performance

Dear Friends, dear Visitors,

Over the last three months I did a lot of under-the-hood changes and clean-up on the website to improve safety and user experience. As you may have noticed, the protocol is now https: the web traffic is encrypted using an SSL client certificate. After some tweaking the page performance could be improved significantly, loading time is nearly reduced by half. All pages, including my AHP-OS online software and the diversity calculator, were made mobile friendly, though I don’t recommend to use AHP-OS on a small mobile phone screen.

In addition some new features were added to the AHP-OS online software:

I also wrote a paper about the AHP software implementation, where you can find a description of the structure and all mathematical formulas and references. Please make a reference to this paper, when you use the software in your work to be published.

Kindly support my effort, either with a donation, or at least give a 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent) rating to my web posts, which will help me to get some feedback on my work.

For now, please enjoy your visit on the site and feel free to leave a comment – it is always appreciated.


Klaus D. Goepel,

Singapore, September 2017

BPMSG stands for Business Performance Management Singapore. As of now, it is a non-commercial website, and information is shared for educational purposes. Please see licensing conditions and terms of use.


Last update: Sep 14, 2017 Author: Klaus D. Goepel, BPMSG, Contact

Welcome to BPMSG – June 2017

Concepts, Methods and Tools to manage Business Performance

Dear Friends, dear Visitors,

over the last four months I put in a lot of effort to improve the AHP-OS online tool. With several releases a simplified menu structure and new features were introduced.

  • Delete individual participant’s inputs from an existing project.
  • Update a project hierarchy or project description, as long as there is no input.
  • Evaluate your AHP projects using different AHP judgment scales.
  • Analyse weight uncertainties based on small randomised variations of input judgments.

The last two features are based on my recent study about the comparisons of different AHP scales. Up to date there was no recommendation, what scales to use, and I found a new approach to analyse and compare the scales based on simple analytic functions. This study is submitted for publication, and I hope it will not take too long, until it is available. You can find some more information already in my posting here.

The feature of analysing weight uncertainties is an innovative way of doing sensitivity analysis: all judgments are randomly varied by ±0.5 on the judgment scale, and for each variation the maximum and minimum out coming priorities are captured. I use 1000 variations, enough to get a relatively stable margin of errors for each weight. It gives you information, how “precise” a weight or ranking is in your specific project.

Again, a big Thank You to all donors! Please note that the website is a non-commercial website for educational purposes. Your donation is used to cover running costs like web hosting, antispam services etc. PLEASE, help to support this website with a small donation. I spend a lot of time, sharing my knowledge for free. Thank you in advance!

For now, please enjoy your visit on the site and feel free to leave a comment – it is always appreciated.


Klaus D. Goepel,

Singapore, June 2017

BPMSG stands for Business Performance Management Singapore. As of now, it is a non-commercial website, and information is shared for educational purposes. Please see licensing conditions and terms of use.

Please give credit or a link to my site, if you use parts in your work, or make a donation to support my effort to maintain this website.

About the author

Welcome to BPMSG – Feb 2017

Concepts, Methods and Tools to manage Business Performance

Dear friends, dear visitors,

Using Google search for my own website, I could see a message like Your website is not mobile friendy. It was really time to update my website theme in order to make it better readable for visitors using their smart phone or tablet.

Now you see the new design using the standard wordpress theme from 2015. I simplified the menu structure to the categories:

  • AHP Articles – Material and Information about the Analytic Hierarchy Process
  • Other Articles – Material and Information about Business Performance
  • Tools – Links to my online tools, like the AHP online system and excel templates
  • Other – Posts related to other topics
  • About – Information about the author
  • Feedback – A place where you can leave your feedback as comments
  • Contact – A web form to contact me personally via e-mail

I hope with these changes navigation on the site is much easier, and you can find required information in shorter time.

Again, a big Thank You to all donors! Please note that the website is a non-commercial website for educational purposes. Your donation is used to cover running costs like web hosting, antispam services etc. PLEASE, help to support this website with a small donation. I spend a lot of time, sharing my knowledge for free. Thank you in advance!

For now, please enjoy your visit on the site and feel free to leave a comment – it is always appreciated.

Klaus D. Goepel,

Singapore, Februar 2017

BPMSG stands for Business Performance Management Singapore. As of now, it is a non-commercial website, and information is shared for educational purposes. Please see licensing conditions and terms of use.

Please give credit or a link to my site, if you use parts in your work, or make a small donation to support my effort to maintain this website.

About the author

Welcome to BPMSG – Oct 2016

Dear Friends, dear Visitors,

The analytic hierarchy process AHP remains the main topic of this website and continues to have the most visitors. As I continously receive quite a number of questions related to AHP, my AHP excel template and my AHP online software, I have summarized frequently asked questions (FAQs) in one posting here.

In between my online software was used by more than 3000 users, and has currently 500 active users. Please be reminded that after a period of 3 months inactive users will receive an re-activation email and be deleted, if they don’t reactivate their account.

A couple of months ago I added a Donation button to the website – see below. A big Thank You to all donors! Please note that the website is a non-commercial website for educational purposes. Your donation is used to cover running costs like web hosting, antispam services etc. PLEASE, help to support this website with a small donation. I spend a lot of time, sharing my knowledge for free. Thank you in advance!

For now, please enjoy your visit on the site and feel free to leave a comment – it is always appreciated.

Klaus D. Goepel,

Singapore, October 2016

BPMSG stands for Business Performance Management Singapore. As of now, it is a non-commercial website, and information is shared for educational purposes. Please see licensing conditions and terms of use.

Please give credit or a link to my site, if you use parts in your work, or make a small donation to support my effort to maintain this website.

About the author

Welcome to BPMSG – Mar 2016

Concepts, Methods and Tools to manage Business Performance

Dear Friends, dear Visitors,

The analytic hierarchy process AHP remains the main topic of this website and continues to have the most visitors. From October 2015 to now I received quite a number of questions related to my AHP excel template and my AHP online software. Here some of the typical questions (FAQs):

Q: Can I extend the number of participants to more than 20?
A: Though it is possible in principle, the better way is to use my AHP online software with (practically) unlimited number of participants. I will not do a further extension of the template.

Q: Do you have a version of the Excel template w/o multiple inputs?
A: Yes, a simplified version is available on request from the author.

Q: How can I cite your work, can you give me a reference?
A: Please cite my paper: Implementing the analytic hierarchy process as a standard method for multi-criteria decision making in corporate enterprises–a new AHP excel template with multiple inputs

Q: Do you support Fuzzy AHP?
A: No, I have made no provisions to support Fuzzy AHP, neither in Excel, nor in my online software.

Q: Can I use the Likert scale instead of the AHP scale?
A: No, AHP is based on the rational scale 1/9 … 1 … 9. It cannot be replaced by the Likert scale.

Q: How is the computation done, where do I find the description and formulas?
A: Please download my paper.

Q: How can I do alternative evaluation using your Excel template.
A: It is not possible. The template can only handle one category of a hierarchy and calculate the priority of one set of criteria.

Q: If I have a group of decision makers, do they need to register for the online software?
A: No, they don’t need to register. As the owner of a project you get a link for group decision inputs. Simply send them the link, and they can start the pairwise comparisons.

A couple of months ago I added a Donation button to the website – see below. Unfortunately, only a very small number of users used it, a big Thank You to them! PLEASE, help to support this website with a small donation. I have no commercial interest, but spend a lot of time, sharing my knowledge for free, and I have running costs to keep the site alive. Thank you in advance!

For now, please enjoy your visit on the site and feel free to leave a comment – it is always appreciated.

Klaus D. Goepel,

Singapore, March 2016

BPMSG stands for Business Performance Management Singapore. As of now, it is a non-commercial website, and information is shared for educational purposes. Please see licensing conditions and terms of use.

About the author

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Welcome to BPMSG – February 2015

Concepts, Methods and Tools to manage Business Performance

Dear Friends, dear Visitors,

time for a short update on bpmsg.com. Firstly, I wish you a healthy and successful New Year 2015, and for all of you with Chinese background: Gong Xi Fa cai – 恭喜发财, the year of the sheep is coming.

As I had a lot of other activities over the last few months, I was not very active here on my blog here, but the daily number of visitors is still increasing, and I receive feedback and questions regularly, most often about AHP. Thanks for all your comments, and please continue to give me your suggestions and ideas. My AHP online software has now more than 300 registered and active users. Please take note that users, not active for more than three month, will receive an email notification to re-activate their account within two days, otherwise their account incl. all project data will be deleted.

The latest publications, using my AHP Excel template or online software, cover areas like productivity improvement, smart TV human computer interaction, building sustainability and others. I try to keep the list of references up-to-date. Please cite my paper here, if you use my tools and plan to publish your work, and let me know about it.

Surprisingly my post about the Synology DS1513+ network attached storage (NAS) got a lot of readers. Online security seems to be an issue, and making remote online access more secure is indeed an important topic. So I opend the comment field on this post for feedback and questions.

For now, please enjoy your visit on the site and feel free to give me comment – it is always appreciated.

Klaus D. Goepel,

Singapore, February 2015

BPMSG stands for Business Performance Management Singapore. As of now, it is a non-commercial website, and information is shared for educational purposes. Please see licensing conditions and terms of use. Please give credit or a link to my site, if you use parts in your website or blog.

About the author

Welcome to BPMSG – Feb 2014

Concepts, Methods and Tools to manage Business Performance

Dear Friends, dear Visitors,

the development of my AHP online software is still continuing. Most of the recent changes were structural, and not so obvious to users, as I use the software on two different platforms and in two different designs. On the entry page you will now find a short introduction to the analytic hierarchy process, and links to further examples and documentation. From there you can go to the online priority calculator, or the AHP online solution to handle complete projects.

Overall the functionality is complete and the program is stable. Except for group inputs, the priority calculator includes all functions of my AHP excel template. With the AHP online system you can even define complete AHP hierarchies and evaluate alternatives. For both programs the results can now be exported as csv files for further processing in spreadsheet programs in two versions: using either dot or comma as decimal separator.

The next big step would be the implementation of group decision making. My idea is to implement web sessions for different users  on different computers, and an online consolidation of all judgments, to get the consolidated group result. This could be very useful when you are in a meeting and have group discussions, then all participant could do their judgment online, seeing the consolidated group result in real time.

It will still take some more time, so bookmark the page and revisit  from time to time to get the latest updates.

Now please enjoy your visit on the site and feel free to give me feedback – it is always appreciated.

Klaus D. Goepel,

Singapore, Feb 2014

BPMSG stands for Business Performance Management Singapore. As of now, it is a non-commercial website, and information is shared for educational purposes. Please see licensing conditions and terms of use. Please give credit or a link to my site, if you use parts in your website or blog.

About the author
