Welcome to BPMSG – Feb 2014

Concepts, Methods and Tools to manage Business Performance

Dear Friends, dear Visitors,

the development of my AHP online software is still continuing. Most of the recent changes were structural, and not so obvious to users, as I use the software on two different platforms and in two different designs. On the entry page you will now find a short introduction to the analytic hierarchy process, and links to further examples and documentation. From there you can go to the online priority calculator, or the AHP online solution to handle complete projects.

Overall the functionality is complete and the program is stable. Except for group inputs, the priority calculator includes all functions of my AHP excel template. With the AHP online system you can even define complete AHP hierarchies and evaluate alternatives. For both programs the results can now be exported as csv files for further processing in spreadsheet programs in two versions: using either dot or comma as decimal separator.

The next big step would be the implementation of group decision making. My idea is to implement web sessions for different users  on different computers, and an online consolidation of all judgments, to get the consolidated group result. This could be very useful when you are in a meeting and have group discussions, then all participant could do their judgment online, seeing the consolidated group result in real time.

It will still take some more time, so bookmark the page and revisit  from time to time to get the latest updates.

Now please enjoy your visit on the site and feel free to give me feedback – it is always appreciated.

Klaus D. Goepel,

Singapore, Feb 2014

BPMSG stands for Business Performance Management Singapore. As of now, it is a non-commercial website, and information is shared for educational purposes. Please see licensing conditions and terms of use. Please give credit or a link to my site, if you use parts in your website or blog.

About the author

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Welcome to BPMSG

Concepts, Methods and Tools to manage Business Performance

  • You want to make profit with your company?
  • You want to find out where the company stands and actively manage and optimize its performance?
  • You want to set-up your own small business and need to find out whether it can be successful?
  • You need to write a business plan?
  • Or you just want to learn something about business performance, key ratios and indicators to get a better insight in business processes?

Whether you are a CEO of a company, a private person to setup a small individual business or a student, these pages will give you a better understanding of some basic facts and relationships in business. 

I have provided them based on my practical experience in working life. I am convinced that you will find some interesting parts, which you can adapt and apply to your business operation.

Maybe, the viewpoint is sometimes different from what you have learned before. As I am an engineer, I am approaching the topic with my engineering background. Don’t be worried, when I sometimes use mathematical expressions. I do it in order to have a more general coverage of the concept, and I am using just simple operations like addition, multiplication, and so on. In most cases you can make all necessary calculations with a simple calculator.

I hope you enjoy the web-site, if you want to comment, feedback or make suggestions, please feel free to do it here.

The site went on-line on May 1st, 2011

Value Driven Leadership

  • Succession planning for leadership positions plays an important role for the future business of any company. Leaders have not only to have a strategic view, good management skills and the necessary technical knowledge. With their behavior they also determine the motivation of their teams and employees, and with that finally the productivity and profitability of the whole organization.
  • Leaders have to give an example, they need to show initiative and have to be efficient. In a continuously changing business environment leaders need also to be open to new experiences, and they must show willingness to change. Emotional intelligence and critical self reflection combined with integrity will yield to mutual respect of their people, and result in a high acceptance for necessary business decisions.

Only with the right values behind people driving their behavior, the most important pre-condition for a successful leadership is met.

But how to assess these values?

NEO-select personality test is a tool to get a better insight in the different strengths of individuals. The test is developed based on the model of the big five dimensions of personality, and is conducted as a self-reporting assessment. Using a combination of selected facets in these dimensions, a ranking of leadership values is derived. It will give the person a better insight in his or her behavior, and the driving forces behind it.

  • The test is not equivalent to the commercial inventory on which it is based, the NEO PI-R™, but it is constructed from the public domain IPIP items, assembled by Dr. Lewis R. Goldberg.
  • The inventory does not reveal hidden, secret information. The five dimensions (broad domains) cover normal differences in personality that should be obvious to people who know the person well. NEO-select is designed to complement other assessments of job suitability, as for example the Harrison Innerview or others.

