Welcome to BPMSG – October 2015

Concepts, Methods and Tools to manage Business Performance

Dear Friends, dear Visitors,

it’s soon coming to five years that my webpage has been online, and things getting slowly a bit messy … There was a need to clean-up the pages, posts and directories, so that the necessary maintainance will take less time, and future updates are possible. As you should know, this project is done in my free time as a hobby, I still have a full-time job for another couple of years.

Unfortunatly, during the whole process, some links were broken and it will take time to repair. Sorry, when you experience missing images or a broken link. Just let me know using my contact page. I am still working on it and plan to simplify the navigation in order  to make it easier for you to find relevant information.

AHP as one category, where you find information about the analytic hierarchy process, will stay in focus. From the start this was the nost frequently visited part of the site, and my AHP excel template slowly reaches 15 thousand (!) downloads. Under  the category Articles you find posts about other topics, mainly the concept of diversity, as I was using it for  different applications. All more personal related  topics under the category Other will move to my new personal blog – Klaus & Lita – running on my own server with topics like multicopter, programming and – maybe – cooking in future.

For now, please enjoy your visit on the site and feel free to leave a comment – it is always appreciated.

Klaus D. Goepel,

Singapore, October 2015

BPMSG stands for Business Performance Management Singapore. As of now, it is a non-commercial website, and information is shared for educational purposes. Please see licensing conditions and terms of use.

Please give credit or a link to my site, if you use parts in your work, or make a small donation to support my effort to maintain this website.

About the author

AHP Excel Template Version 2015-04-09

In this version I changed the minimum number of criteria from three to two; the number of criteria  ranges now from 2 to 10.

It seems in the Turkish language version of Excel the selection of the consolidated matrix (“0”) gives an error. I did some minor modifications, but I am not sure whether it is now working. Please give me your feedback.

Download the latest version of the AHP Excel Template.

Welcome to BPMSG – February 2015

Concepts, Methods and Tools to manage Business Performance

Dear Friends, dear Visitors,

time for a short update on bpmsg.com. Firstly, I wish you a healthy and successful New Year 2015, and for all of you with Chinese background: Gong Xi Fa cai – 恭喜发财, the year of the sheep is coming.

As I had a lot of other activities over the last few months, I was not very active here on my blog here, but the daily number of visitors is still increasing, and I receive feedback and questions regularly, most often about AHP. Thanks for all your comments, and please continue to give me your suggestions and ideas. My AHP online software has now more than 300 registered and active users. Please take note that users, not active for more than three month, will receive an email notification to re-activate their account within two days, otherwise their account incl. all project data will be deleted.

The latest publications, using my AHP Excel template or online software, cover areas like productivity improvement, smart TV human computer interaction, building sustainability and others. I try to keep the list of references up-to-date. Please cite my paper here, if you use my tools and plan to publish your work, and let me know about it.

Surprisingly my post about the Synology DS1513+ network attached storage (NAS) got a lot of readers. Online security seems to be an issue, and making remote online access more secure is indeed an important topic. So I opend the comment field on this post for feedback and questions.

For now, please enjoy your visit on the site and feel free to give me comment – it is always appreciated.

Klaus D. Goepel,

Singapore, February 2015

BPMSG stands for Business Performance Management Singapore. As of now, it is a non-commercial website, and information is shared for educational purposes. Please see licensing conditions and terms of use. Please give credit or a link to my site, if you use parts in your website or blog.

About the author

Updated AHP Excel Template Version 2014-05-09

Thanks to feedback from Benedikt, this latest update contains a minor change, to show the convergence of the power method, when calculating the eigenvalue. In the summary sheet a threshold (squared Euclidean distance d2) can be set, to show how many iterations it takes, until the change of the approximated eigenvector is below the given threshold. By default the value is set to Thresh: 1E-07:


In the above example it takes 7 iterations until d2 is below 1E-07. The actual difference is  3.5E-08 (EVM check). As the number of iterations in the template is fixed to 12, care should be taken if the value reaches 12.

You might download the latest version from my AHP template download page.

Welcome to BPMSG – May 2014

Concepts, Methods and Tools to manage Business Performance

Dear Friends, dear Visitors,

The latest beta version of my AHP online software (AHP-OS) has now additional features to manage complete AHP projects. AHP stands for Analytic Hierarchy Process, and is a decision support tool.  To use the full functionality, please register and log in; it’s all free.

You can store complete decision hierarchies, use them to estimate the weights of criteria and sub-criteria and evaluate up to seven decision alternatives.

AHP is also helpful to support group decision making; participants can input their individual judgments and a consolidated group result is calculated. I have prepared a practical example, where you can participate, input your judgments and view the overall group results and consensus. Just click on the link and try it out.

The development is still continuing. I am further optimizing the handling and plan to implement additional analysis, especially for group decision making. Bookmark the page and revisit from time to time to get the latest updates.

Now please enjoy your visit on the site and feel free to give me feedback – it is always appreciated.

Klaus D. Goepel,

Singapore, May 2014

BPMSG stands for Business Performance Management Singapore. As of now, it is a non-commercial website, and information is shared for educational purposes. Please see licensing conditions and terms of use. Please give credit or a link to my site, if you use parts in your website or blog.

About the author

AHP Projects

With the latest update of my free web based AHP software you can now manage complete projects and group sessions. To use the full functionality, register a new account (It’s all free!) I had to implement the registration in order to manage and protect the data.

After login the project session page will be shown. Here your AHP projects are listed in a table, each of them with a unique session code.

A click on the session code will then open the project, either in the hierarchy display mode (the project has yet no participants),  where you can modify and update the hierarchy structure,  or in the group result mode, where you get the consolidated group result of all participants with a breakdown by categories and individual participants.

The project menu allows you to view project details, start a new hierarchy or delete existing projects.

After you have defined a new hierarchy, click on Save/Start new Group session. Enter a project short description, click Go, Ok and done, and the new project is saved in you project list.

Let me know in case you face any problems. A short description of the program as pdf can be found on the AHP-OS start page.

Welcome to BPMSG – Dec 2013

Concepts, Methods and Tools to manage Business Performance

Dear Friends, dear Visitors,

Season Greetings from Singapore!

 Gong Xi Fa Cai!

Surprisingly the implementation of AHP as an online tool went smooth and faster than I expected. Now my AHP online calculator is live, and within a few weeks frequently used by many visitors. During its development I also found a way to show the “ideal” judgments in case of inconsistent inputs; so now it is easy to modify initial judgments in the right direction in order to improve consistency. A feature I also implemented in my last update of the AHP excel template.

In addition, I managed to come out with an AHP project tool, where you can define the hierarchy of your AHP projects, as well as do the calculation of global priorities and evaluation of alternatives. This was a bit tricky, as the hierarchy can vary widely from project to project, so I had to find a flexible way, how to input the hierarchy structure. It is done using plain text with a defined simple syntax for nodes and leafs of the hierarchy. Sounds more complicated as it is, so I published some examples, and I am sure you will find it easy to use.

I use the tool for my own projects, the latest one developing a decision tree for the evaluation of company internal IT projects. Using the hierarchy tool you can export your defined hierarchy structure as csv and use it in Excel for further calculations.

Now please enjoy your visit on the site and feel free to give me feedback – it is always appreciated.

Klaus D. Goepel,

Singapore, Dec 2013

BPMSG stands for Business Performance Management Singapore. As of now, it is a non-commercial website, and information is shared for educational purposes. Please see licensing conditions and terms of use. Please give credit or a link to my site, if you use parts in your website or blog.

About the author

Updated AHP Excel template Version 2013-12-24

In this latest update of my AHP excel template, input sheets were modified to show the proposed ideal judgments for the three most inconsistent inputs, resulting in a lower consistency ratio CR.


On the left side judgment A9, A7 and A6 are highlighted as inconsistent, CR is 32%. The consistent judgment is shown as A4, A9 and A3. After correction with the proposed intensities (right side) the consistency ratio decreases to 7% below the required threshold of 10%.

You might download the latest version from my AHP template download page.

AHP Online Calculator – Update 2013-12-20

In this latest version of the AHP online calculator I made some changes:

  • The three judgments with highest inconsistency will be highlighted with the last column showing the recommended judgment for lowest inconsistency
  • Selection of fundamental AHP or balanced Scale
  • Number of Criteria changed from 12 to 15 max.1)
  • Length of criteria names changed from 15 to max. 20 characters
  • Download of result (decision matrix, eigen vector, CR) as csv (comma separated values) instead of txt file

The .csv  file uses “,” as field separator and “.” as decimal symbol (unchanged). Depending on your operating system it will directly open in Excel.

1) Important Note: Though the maximum number of criteria is 15, you should always try to structure your decision problem in a way that the number of criteria is in the range Seven Plus or Minus Two.
