Diversity Index as Busines Performance Indicator – The Concept of Diversity

A business relying on a single type of product or services can be highly risky. Any change in the market place – a change of customer behavior, a new competitor – might have a high impact on the business results. Diversification is an opportunity to spread and reduce the potential risks.

The mathematical concept of diversity has many applications, ranging from ecology over demography to information science. In the context of business performance diversity indices can be used as key performance indicators (KPIs) to analyze markets, define targets for diversification, and track the success of derived business actions.

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See also

Video: Diversity as Business KPI – Alpha and Beta Diversity

Diversity Calculation in Excel – Diversity Indices and True Diversity

Strategic and Operational Business Performance

dashboardDecisions can have a short- or long-term impact; they can be strategic or operational. Measuring strategic or operational performance might require a different set of key performance indicators (KPIs). You need both: Operational KPIs help to measure the short term performance of an organization, strategic KPIs help to measure the implementation of a long term strategy.

This new podcast episode #13 explains the differences, using the picture of driving a car.

Combined Performance Index

BPM-combIn order to limit the number of Key performance Indicators (KPIs), and maintain clarity and conciseness of a dashboard, sometimes it might be useful, to combine a set of performance indicators into one single key performance indicator. This latest episode of my podcast will show, step-by-step, how you can build up a combined performance index. using

  • a target value,
  • a base value and
  • a weighting

for each individual indicator. It also gives an example how to implement this concept in an Excel spreadsheet.

Operating Expenses

The operating expenses of a company have a high impact, not only on the company’s result, but also on other parameters, like profit per costs and minimum order income to be achieved. Even the same operating result and profitability of two companies could be of a different quality, because of different relations in fixed and variable expenses. In this presentation two performance indicators will be developed to monitor these important differences.

Video Collection

Profit per Cost (PPC)

The basic equation – financial performance indicators: Profit per Cost (PPC)

With Profit per Cost (PPC) we introduce another important financial key ratio. Cost per order (CPO) together with profit per cost (PPC) let you calculate the required gross margin percentage (GMP) and the profitability (PR).

Vice versa, with a given gross margin and a targeted profitability, you can estimate the CPO and PPC.

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