AHP-ANP practical Application with Pros and Cons

The analytic hierarchy (AHP) and analytic network process (ANP) are two multi-criteria decision methods (MCDM), originally developed by Prof. Thomas L. Saaty.

ANP is a more general approach, based on the description of the problem by means of a network instead of a hierarchy as in AHP. On the other hand, ANP is also more complex in its application.

In my latest video presentation, pros and cons for both methods are shown, and a few tips for the practical application of AHP,  and setting up a network for ANP are listed.

Download the slides

Link to video in Youtube

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Profit per Cost (PPC)

The basic equation – financial performance indicators: Profit per Cost (PPC)

With Profit per Cost (PPC) we introduce another important financial key ratio. Cost per order (CPO) together with profit per cost (PPC) let you calculate the required gross margin percentage (GMP) and the profitability (PR).

Vice versa, with a given gross margin and a targeted profitability, you can estimate the CPO and PPC.

Conjoint Analysis – Example in Excel

Conjoint analysis or stated preference analysis is used in many of the social sciences and applied sciences including marketing, product management, and operations research.

Here you find an simple example, how you can calculate part-worth utilities and relative preferences in Excel using multi-variable linear regression. (4 attributes, 2 level, fractional design)

The template is free. So I would really appreciate, if you could – at least – rate the template at the bottom of this post. Thank you!

Download Conjoint Analysis Example in Excel (zip):  download

Download Slides (pdf) of my Youtube video: “Conjoint Analysis in ten minutes“.

Conjoint analysis onlineConjoint.ly

Please feel free to leave a comment on my feedback page.

AHP Excel Template

NEW! BPMSG’s free AHP online software: For a quick evaluation of priorities use my AHP online calculator. If you need to handle a complete AHP hierarchy, try out my new AHP-OS System.

Download page of the AHP Excel Template:

Latest Version
Please download the latest version from here

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Older Versions for tracking purpose: please contact the author.

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