Welcome to BPMSG

Concepts, Methods and Tools to manage Business Performance

  • You want to make profit with your company?
  • You want to find out where the company stands and actively manage and optimize its performance?
  • You want to set-up your own small business and need to find out whether it can be successful?
  • You need to write a business plan?
  • Or you just want to learn something about business performance, key ratios and indicators to get a better insight in business processes?

Whether you are a CEO of a company, a private person to setup a small individual business or a student, these pages will give you a better understanding of some basic facts and relationships in business. 

I have provided them based on my practical experience in working life. I am convinced that you will find some interesting parts, which you can adapt and apply to your business operation.

Maybe, the viewpoint is sometimes different from what you have learned before. As I am an engineer, I am approaching the topic with my engineering background. Don’t be worried, when I sometimes use mathematical expressions. I do it in order to have a more general coverage of the concept, and I am using just simple operations like addition, multiplication, and so on. In most cases you can make all necessary calculations with a simple calculator.

I hope you enjoy the web-site, if you want to comment, feedback or make suggestions, please feel free to do it here.

The site went on-line on May 1st, 2011

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