AHP-OS Hierarchy Evaluation with Partial Inputs from Participants

With the latest update of my AHP online software it is now possible to save judgments (pairwise comparisons) without completing the whole hierarchy evaluation. There are two scenarios, where this could be useful:

  1. You have a complex hierarchy with many nodes to be evaluated. Now participants can start a partial evaluation, save the judgments and complete the remaining nodes at a later time.
  2. As a participant you are only expert for a subset of nodes in the decision hierarchy. As a chair you can now ask participants to give their inputs for a few nodes of their expertise only.

Pairwise comparison input is started as usually: either using the link provided on the project session page, or using the link AHP Group Session on the AHP-OS main entry page. After providong session code and name, in case the participant hasn’t given any input, a message Ok. Group has x participants. Click “Go” to continue will be displayed. Nodes without judgment show the AHP button with red outline.

Once a pairwise comparison is completed for a node, the AHP button turns  green and calculated weights are shown.

Now the partial judgment can be saved with Save judgments.

and a message Ok. Data were submitted. Pairwise comparisons not yet completed! will be shown. Whith a click on Exit also a pop-up window  will warn the participant that the evaluation is not completed.

Scenario 1:

If participants want to complete their inputs, the group session page will show, how many nodes are left for judgments: 2 Node(s) need to be completed. Click “Go” to continue. When all nodes are completed, the Save judgments button in the Group Input Menu turns red, and with a click on it a message Ok. Data were submitted. Thank You for your participation! is shown.

Scenario 2:

Two participants make a partial judgment on different nodes. Each of them does not complete the whole hierarchy evaluation. In our example participant 1 has given inputs for nodes AHP-Project and Crit-1, participant 2 has given input for nodes AHP-Project and Crit-2.

On the group result page the consolidated result for both participants is shown.

In the breakdown by nodes, you see that we have 2 participants for node AHP-Project, and one each for nodes Crit-1 and Crit-2.

Node: AHP-Project

Node: Crit-1 and Crit-2

For nodes without any judgment, the default priorites are taken, i.e. all criteria have equal importance.


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