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Hi Klaus,
Thank you.
I have this pairwise comparison done by 30 respondents, can this worksheet be used ?
Is there any recommendation for sample size of respondents for pairwise comparison ?
Hi Devanshu,
You can use the worksheet in principle to do the matrix calculation, but you need to calculate the geometric mean of for each matrix element. The sheet “multiple input” might help as a basis; and some explanation is given in read me.txt.
There is no recommendation for the sample size, selection depends more on the background and experience of the people you ask, or the whether they are stakeholder in your project. If you have 5 of them, ask them all, if you have many more, make a selection to get inputs from people with different background and viewpoints.
Thank you ….
I am a beginner for ahp method. I have 4 main criteria and each has 2-3 subcriteria. how can I enter this in your worksheet? My respondents also compared those subcriteria.
For each comparison you have to use a separate template; one for getting the priorities of the main categories, one each for the sub criteria. Use the priorities of the main categories to weight the sub criteria. This you have to do manually or in an extra own worksheet.
Regards, Klaus
Very impressed by excel spreadsheet template. However, maybe I am having a senior moment, but I cannot see in which worksheet one assesses the alternatives?
Hi Matekus,
On the first sheet you input the number of criteria and the criteria – the light green fields are input fields. On the second sheet you do the assessment. Results then will be shown then on the first sheet.
Thanks for your feedback.
Hallo Klaus,
warum quatrieren Sie die normalisierte Matrix für den ersten Iterationsschritt? Bei der Power-Methode wurde in allen Büchern immer die Kriterienmatrix quatriert und damit der Eigenvektor angenähert.
(bin vorher ausversehen verutscht bei meinem Kommentar)
Viele Grüße
Hallo S.,
ich hatte irgendwo Beispiele fuer die Power-Methode gefunden, und sie dann so implementiert. Wie waere denn die Alternative? Haetten Sie ein konkretes Beispiel?
Gruss, Klaus
Hi Klaus,
Thank you for sharing this and I think it is really helpful.
I am trying to use this template, but I face a problem.
If CR>0.1, how can I revise the matrix? Can I do it in this excel template?
Hi Irene,
cr>10% is a consequence of an inconsistent, not logical comparison doing the pairwise comparison. It cannot be changed in the excel sheet but is part of the AHP method. E.g if criterion A is more important than criterion B, and B more important than C, then A must be more important than C. If the pairwise comparison results in something different, then cr will increase. Only possibility: review the input. On the other hand the result is not so dependent on cr. Even 15 or 20% will give a useable weighting.
I had the same problem with some inputs, especially when the number of criteria is > 4 or 5. See my other video in YouTube (practical application of AHP/ANP).
Honestly I thank you for this effort and help. You are such a brilliant and cooperative person. This world needs more like you.
its very helpfull
I really find interesting, your idea is excellent, but can you tell me how to modify the formula for geometric mean depending on the number of participants.
You have to do it manually. Fill in the matrix cell values for each participant on the worksheet “MultInp” and calculate the geometric mean in the corresponding cell of the matrix ” Geometric mean” (Top left on the same sheet)
Example for 3 participants: C23=(L23*C34*L34)^(1/3), D23=(M23*D34*M34)^(1/3) etc.
For 4 participants C23=(L23*C34*L34*C45)^(1/4) etc.
On the summary sheet you change the reference of the main matrix to the geom. mean matrix on the “multInp” sheet:
C38=multInp!C23 and so on for the other cells.
Let me know, if not clear. I can send you then a sample.
God will bless you for these material and tolls you have made available here,i so much appreciate this kind gesture.Please i need you to mentor me on some areas.Hope my request will be granted.