Updated AHP Excel Template Version 11.12.12

AHP IconDue to feedback from several users, I revised the implementation of the power method for the calculation of the Eigenvector and Eigenvalue to improve the accuracy of my AHP excel template. The calculation sheet ‘8×8 in the workbook was completely reworked. My tests show a significant increase in accuracy. As an example see my updated post AHP template – numerical accuracy.

By default the number of iterations is now set to 12.  The check value in sheet ‘8×8 cell B33 shows the sum of all matrix elements solving the Eigenvalue equation (AI*λ) x = 0 with A the Decision matrix, λ = estimated principal Eigenvalue and x = estimated Eigenvector. The ideal check value is zero. With the example numbers given in the template the result is 5E-08.

Please let me know, if  you find any problems in the new version.

For the download of the latest version please go to the AHP template download page .

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