389 thoughts on “Feedback”

  1. Dear Dr.Klaus,

    The online calculator for Diversity indices is actually very useful and has saved me a lot of time. Thank you for providing this template !!
    However, I noticed that the values of Shannon Entropy differed a little from those obtained after manual calculation using the formula.I wonder what caused the difference? Can you please tell me?

    Thanks in advance,

    1. When I compare the Shannon entropy calculated by the online software with the result of the excel template I get exactly the same values. Could you please give a concrete example?

  2. Dr. Goepel,
    I used the AHP-OS software for the data collection of my doctoral research study. During data collection a few of the research participants experienced confusion with the radio buttons shown to the RIGHT side of the numbers 1, 2, 3, … . My suggestion/request is to put the radio buttons consistently on one side of the choice, preferably on the LEFT side. I consider myself fortunate to be able to use the AHP-OS software and AHP Excel template for data collection and aggregation purposes.
    Thank you so very much.

    1. Thanks for the feedback. You are right, the layout is not consistent in this point. I will change with the next update.

  3. Sir,

    thanks a lot for making the ahp software. just a question what is the difference btw “ahp” and “balanced scale” at the bottom of the compared matrix? thanks.

    1. Dear Rusydi,
      the AHP scale is the standard 1 to 9 scale (equal important to extreme more important) from Saaty. The balanced scale was proposed by Salo and Hämäläinen, where the local weights are evenly dispersed over the weight range. You can find the formula in my excel template description. I recommend you to stay with the original AHP scale.
      Regards, Klaus

      1. oh okay thanks for that sir.

        one more question. can we, as a researcher, just adjusted the score, using the ahp software you made, without the acknowledgement of the respondents (judges,decision maker)? what do you think about it because for me it is okay as long as we can deal with the consistency. would it be accepted in dissertation?

        1. in my view you should not adjust the original inputs from the respondents without asking them. This would be a manipulation.

  4. Hi Klaus,
    Thank you for the great AHP tool you have prepared and served for our use. I am trying to use it to calculate the rural land values. I have prepared several criteria and already ranked them. Now is the next step how to proceed to generate values. Your valuable support on this would be greatly appreciated if you could.
    Thanks ans regards,

    1. Dear Yusuf,
      if you have already ranked the criteria, then you have the weights for each of them. So I am not clear what values you are looking for.
      Alternative evaluation cannot be done with my excel template. You could do it in your own excel sheet, multiplying the global weight of each criterion with the “fulfillment percentage” of each alternative for this criterion and sum-up. My online software can do both: hierarchy and alternative evaluation.
      Regards, Klaus

  5. Eigenvector solution: 1 iterations, delta = 0.0E+0

    what is this for,how do you find this, and what is the importance of this in AHP?

  6. Hello,
    I have 6 respondents that are evenly split among two criteria. However, my total number of criteria are 12. Is there any way I can modify the file to allow me to compare 12 vs. 10 criteria? Thank you in advance.

    1. Hi Kyle,
      as said in my e-mail, I cannot extend the template for more than 10 criteria. My online SW can handle 12 criteria.

  7. Hi Klaus,
    I can’t get the results for the participants (consolidated) in the summary when I put 0 to get it even though single results can be.
    There is a warning in Excel sheet under “BAŞV!” warnings.
    Can you help me please?

    1. Dear Atilla,
      please see the feedback here. The problem is, that I cannot reproduce this error (on the 2 PCs I have available), and therefore difficult to debug.
      If you go to the sheet “multInp”, is the matrix in cells B9:K18 ok, i.e. does it show numbers or errors?
      I will send you a modified template via e-mail, please try, and let me know whether it’s the same.

      1. Dear Klaus,
        Thank you so much.I solved this problem.Thank you so much your attention.

  8. Thank you so much for providing this tool. I’ve been trying the online group version and noticed that only 2-7 alternatives are permitted for evaluation. Is there any way to increase the number of alternatives?

    1. Hi Matt,

      I intentionally limited the number of criteria for alternative evaluation to seven, as it becomes very tedious to handle more than 7 using the pairwise comparisons. As for the hierarchy, the same principles are valid for alternative evaluation: The magical number seven plus or minus two.

      Usually, if I have more alternatives, I download the hierarchy and global weights to excel, and make the alternative evaluation in excel (not using the AHP method).

  9. Dear Prof. Goepel
    Thanks a lot for making the diversity indices template free and readily available for download. I must admit I am quite a novice to Hill numbers. Could you please help me out in interpreting the True diversity graph you plotted using the Hill numbers?

    1. Dear Simon,
      the Hill numbers are a generalized concept of diversity indices. Depending on the order, they can be interpreted as
      – Number of species or species richness (order 0)
      – Exp[Shannon entropy] (order 1)
      – Inverse of Simpson concentration (order 2)
      – Berger Parker index (order infinite)
      With higher order the sensitivity to rare species decreases. Please see for example the explanations from Lou Jost on the first 2 pages here or here.

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