389 thoughts on “Feedback”

  1. Dear Mr. Goepel,

    Thank you very much for this tool. I am a researcher from Albania, and I am using AHP to substitute the expert group decision making. I am using the AHP to develop an index for measuring the sustainable development of Albanian regions, and this excel file helped me a lot.

    Thank you once more,
    Best regards,

  2. Hello Klaus,
    Great tool! I appreciate your effort in creating it, and your benevolence in sharing it for others to use.
    I am analyzing software products; I have 24 products to analyze; I tried to expand the the number of participants, adding four more. But it’s not working; I’m getting REF ERRORS. Is it possible to expand ‘N’ in a not too complicated manner? I’m on a tight schedule, but I really would like to be able to use your AHP template for this analysis.
    Thank you in advance for any insight and guidance.

  3. Dear Sir
    I would like to thank you for your effort to create such a usefull template

  4. Great youtube video and excel file! Very helpful to understand conjoint analysis.

  5. Dear Klaus,

    thank you for sharing the excel sheet, it will be useful for making decision in fisheries management.

    Best regards,

  6. Hello Klaus, I just came across your impressive site and generous resources. I am an academic researcher looking into approaches for group decision aiding, associated methods, their techniques/tools e.g. AHP, for public bodies to make more robust environmental decisions here in Scotland and was extremely pleased to find your resources (after looking through a range of older resources and some of the more recent, but costly online resources). Yet to try your online AHP tool. I am impressed by your documentation and other supporting resources. I just wanted to say well done and thank you for your efforts and contributions (even if I do not end up using your online tools). Kit

  7. The AHP template is useful, each single template is giving the pairwise comparison of single participant. But how to proceed after getting Consistency ratio, RGMM etc for single participant. How do I get the final ranking or priority and where do I do matrix multiplication etc.

    1. Dear Sania,
      The final ranking and priorities are always shown on the summary sheet. Only there the results are based on the eigenvector. Select in the summary sheet the number of the individual participant (e.g. 1 to 20), and his/her priorities and CR will be displayed. Participant “0” shows the consolidated result from all input sheets.

  8. Hello Sir

    Its great to learn some new techniques for decision making process for priority evaluation among alternatives. Recently I have attended one workshop to learn this technique and also working on one mode of selection of mode of transport. Can you help me in recording and analysing the process for a survey among 5 people or above.

    About the project :
    its a 5 *5 matrix as Criteria is 5 and Alternatives allotted is 5.

    How to iterate the solution from the survey based analysis.


    1. Not sure, how I can help. Send me an email via the contact form, then I’ll reply and you can give some more details.
      Regards, Klaus

      1. Hi! Klaus,

        First of all, thank you so much for you to sharing this AHP template. it’s very useful for me to do my MBA project about supplier evaluation.

        But one question form me.
        – As my project, I have to alternative around 35 suppliers, so how i can add more participant on your template, now it’s only for 10.

        hopefully you will help to fulfill.
        Thank you. and best regards,

        1. Dear Rainy,
          the template has 20 input sheets for 20 participants to make judgment on the criteria, and max 10 criteria. It does not have any alternative evaluation. So I am not clear, what you mean.
          If you have 35 suppliers as alternatives, I would recommend, first to evaluate your criteria weights, and then to use an own excel sheet to do the alternative evaluation. Pairwise comparison of alternatives makes no sense, as the number of suppliers is too large.

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