389 thoughts on “Feedback”

  1. Could you please elobrate your excel example a but further for a layman person as me.


    1. Hi Sue,
      You can watch some basics on my youtube channel. Once, you understand the method, the excel template should be easy to use.

  2. Hi Klaus,

    Thank so you much for your conjoint analysis excel template. It was extremely helpful as it let me dive into a complicated subject quite easily.


  3. Hi Klaus,
    I can’t get the results for the participants (consolidated) in the summary when I put 0 to get it even though single results can be.
    There is a warning in Excel sheet under “BAŞV!” warnings.
    Can you help me please?

    1. Can you send me your Excel template? Don’t know what BASV! means. As long as you didn’t delete some of the sheets (even if unused), it should work fine.

    2. Hi Klaus,
      Thanks for quick responding,
      Since I do not have you email, I can’t send the template,
      if you might specfy your email, I will send it,
      Kindly regards.

      1. Use the contact form with your e-mail, then I can reply. Already tried to send email to you, but was rejected. Klaus

    3. Emre hocam merhaba ,
      ahp excel formatında p=0 değerini girince hata veriyor aynı sorunu bende yaşıyorum.Bu sorunu çözdü iseniz atilla.plt@hotmail.com adresinden bana e-mail atarsanız çok sevinirim teşekkürler.

  4. Hi, in the excel download shouldn’t the combinations be 2 to the power of k=4, equals 16? It only lists 8 combinations, for example green 64 GB 5 day $120 is not listed. Thanks

    1. Dear Susana,
      the Excel conjoint analysis example shows a fractional (2n-1) design. The full design would require 16 combinations to be ranked, in this fractional design you only select half, i.e. eight.
      In a fractional design only an adequately chosen fraction of the treatment combinations required for the complete factorial experiment is selected to be run. I tried to explain it in my video about conjoint analysis, but its a general technique used in statistics. See for example here.

  5. Dear Klaus,

    Very good morning! I have read the AHP files and I have one question:
    Shouldn’t the superindex of the first sum in the Shannon gamma entropy be N (number of criteria) instead of K (number of participants)? As the excel version calculates it with N and the BPMSG-Diversity-Calc-v14-02-13.pdf shows it with N.

    Kind regards

      1. Dear Klaus,

        It is shown with K in the equation 5 of the ISAH_2013-13.03.13.Goepel.pdf

        Kind regards,
        Juan Carlos

        1. In my published paper it is shown correctly: Gamma entropy is calculated as average across participants (or more general samples), i.e. K. In my description BPMSG-Diversity-Calc-v14-02-13.pdf it was shown wrongly as sum over N, but in the actual excel template the calculation is ok. Also in the AHP excel template the calculation is ok, when getting the consensus indicator.
          Thanks for the feedback, I corrected the pdf.
          Regards, Klaus

  6. Hi,
    I’m new to AHP. We don’t study it in the Engineering Course I am doing. We should. I’ve done some preliminary research into it.
    We have a group design for a Wind Turbine proposal with around 15 Criteria. Those could be grouped into 4 “sets” of criteria with sub-criteria.
    I’ve seen how AHP can be structured in this way with local and global weighting. I’ve downloaded your Excel template (that’s excellent!) but am not clear on how to do this with the template. I’d prefer to use the template rather than online.
    Any insights into how I can go about this?

    1. Hi Bill,
      The main difference between the Excel template and my online software is that with the online software you can handle complete hierarchies and also can evaluate alternatives. Using my Excel template you need to calculate global priorities in your own sheet and design a sheet for alternative evaluation (not so difficult …). My recommendation: Use the Excel template for each of your 4 sets of criteria, and do the rest manually, if you don’t want to use the online SW.
      Regards, Klaus

    1. a) Take published research papers containing data of the decision matrix and priorities and compare. One example is given here.
      b) Use extremes (all comparisons = 1, one criteria gets 9, all others 1 etc.)
      c) Check for 2×2 matrix
      The implementation is done using OOP, the AHP class is tested according a, b, and c, and results are also compared with the independent AHP implementation in my Ecxel template.

  7. Please could you clarify my doubt? I just started to use the excel version and I saw only criteria approach (green fields) but I did not for alternatives as used for AHP. Why not?

  8. Prof Klaus,

    Thank you for openly sharing your template, I wanted to ask if I can modify the number of participants by simply adjusting the formula in the Matrix in the summary page? (i have 36 participants)


    1. In principle You can. Add additional input sheets and modify the summary sheet. (You need to name the matrix areas). Better and easier to use 2 templates and then combine both consolidated matrices in a third one.

    2. Hi Klaus,

      have the same question as Ben. Would like to extent the n to 30.

      Also, it seems that the matrix 13 (sheet: multInp) has the same references as matrix 12.?

      Thanks for this very interesting and open tool.



      1. Thanks Patric,
        you are right, matrix 13 had the wrong reference. I uploaded the corrected version.
        Regarding the extension for more participants: I don’t plan to extend the template. For more than 20 participants you might also use my AHP online software. There is no limitation of participants.

  9. Even before reading the file , i would like thank you wholeheartedly for your contribution to the society in terms of enhancing the knowledge at the cost of your time… Thank you once again and i would once again write the feedback form after reading the excel sheet.

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