Klaus D. Goepel, BPMSG, Contact, last update: Sep 4, 2017
389 thoughts on “Feedback”
Dear Klaus,
Thanks a lot for developping this tool, it was really helpfull.
I used it for my master’s thesis and want to cite it in the references.
It seems to me that you mentioned somewhere in the website the exact form to cite your work but unfortunatelly I don’t find it now.
Please kindly help me. Thank you so much again and again.
See the practical example here. It has 89 respondents as of now. The online SW has no limitation of participants. Participants don’t need to be registered users.
hi klaus. your page really help me to understand the AHP process. This is my first time to know n use this method. May i know if i can use this website to analyse the data?
Dear Sir,
Thanks a lot for your great efforts to develop AHP OS Tool.
Please let us know what are the updates that were done on 21-4-2016.
I suggest for AHP projects to display the decision matrix in addition to priorities after completion of pairwise comparisons as it is in AHP Priority Calculator.
I am using your tool in my PhD thesis. I indicated to your website in my thesis.
I recommended to use your tool as it one of best tools for Decision Making Based on AHP.
Dear Salahuddin,
thanks for your positive feedback. The latest updates were mainly related to the administration of registered users. I do a regular backup of the database and implemented a feature to recover deleted users (after 3 months of inactivity users receive an email to reactivate their account, if they don’t do, they are deleted automatically).
Regarding the display of the decision matrix: yes, I will add it to the list of required features for one of the next updates.
Good luck with your PhD thesis. You might also cite my paper here: http://bpmsg.com/isahp_2013-13-03-13-goepel/
The development of my excel template was the basis for the online software.
Regards, Klaus
Quick question. Within a group process, is it possible for the participants to access their comparisons after they inputted them to adjust? Everyone did their pairwise comparisons and then we had a group discussion around the group output. And now folks want to adjust based on a healthy discussion. Is that possible, or do I need to create a new project?
The only ANP software, I know, is the one from Superdecisions (see links on the right). I am personally not very convinced. The whole method is quite complex and it is difficult to verify the correctness of the results. See also my videos about ANP on Youtube: ANP Introduction and ANP practical Application
Hello, I’m Poppy from Indonesia.
I’m doing a thesis and take a subject around decision support system with analytical hierarchy process.
I’m developing DSS and AHP but not sure can’t implement in web base.
need your advices or references. where can I get the source code but still refer to this formula.
I have a small problem though. When I started a proyect, a entered some ‘test’ participant just to evaluate how your software worked. Since my project has been completed, I wna’t just to ‘erease / delete’ the first inputs I done (the ‘test’ user’). How can I do this? It is possible? Thanks!
Dear Jorge,
at the moment there is no possibility to erase/delete inputs of individual participants. You can open a project with participants’ input and click “Use consol. priorities”. Then “Reset priorities” and “Save hierarchy”. Then you will have the same hierarchy as a new project without participants’ input.
Hope, this helps.
Dear Prof. Goepel,
thanks for your very interesting tools for decision makers.
please kindly support me , I am trying to do evaluation of alternatives but in the step 3: “evaluation of alternatives”, the all of the examples I have done only appear the results of compare criteria with the message: “for group eval” or “leave group”. I COULD NOT see the message ” ok, submit to the group eval or alternative eval” with “alternative”. So I could not continue to do the evaluation of alternative.
Please kindly help me, I am really need to apply this tool for my research. Thank you so much for your consideration.
Sorry for my late reply! your comment ended up in the spam queue … Did you save the project as a new project after defining the alternatives? Hierarchy evaluation and alternative evaluation are two projects, one should appear as type “H”, the other as type “A” in your project list.
Dear Klaus,
Thanks a lot for developping this tool, it was really helpfull.
I used it for my master’s thesis and want to cite it in the references.
It seems to me that you mentioned somewhere in the website the exact form to cite your work but unfortunatelly I don’t find it now.
Please kindly help me. Thank you so much again and again.
Dear Arzu,
please use the reference here. My AHP online software is based on the implementation as in the excel template.
Regards, Klaus
hello im vasi…i have one doubt my respondant is totaly 50…so my questionnaire also 50…for that how to calculate use this software
See the practical example here. It has 89 respondents as of now. The online SW has no limitation of participants. Participants don’t need to be registered users.
hi klaus. your page really help me to understand the AHP process. This is my first time to know n use this method. May i know if i can use this website to analyse the data?
Dear Rafizah,
you can use the website to analyse your data according to the user agreement. Basically for non-commercial use.
Regards, Klaus
Dear Sir,
Thanks a lot for your great efforts to develop AHP OS Tool.
Please let us know what are the updates that were done on 21-4-2016.
I suggest for AHP projects to display the decision matrix in addition to priorities after completion of pairwise comparisons as it is in AHP Priority Calculator.
I am using your tool in my PhD thesis. I indicated to your website in my thesis.
I recommended to use your tool as it one of best tools for Decision Making Based on AHP.
Dear Salahuddin,
thanks for your positive feedback. The latest updates were mainly related to the administration of registered users. I do a regular backup of the database and implemented a feature to recover deleted users (after 3 months of inactivity users receive an email to reactivate their account, if they don’t do, they are deleted automatically).
Regarding the display of the decision matrix: yes, I will add it to the list of required features for one of the next updates.
Good luck with your PhD thesis. You might also cite my paper here: http://bpmsg.com/isahp_2013-13-03-13-goepel/
The development of my excel template was the basis for the online software.
Regards, Klaus
Thanks ever such a lot.
You are too kind.
Great and simple explanation. Thank you for your effort.
Dear Klaus –
I think the software is great!
Quick question. Within a group process, is it possible for the participants to access their comparisons after they inputted them to adjust? Everyone did their pairwise comparisons and then we had a group discussion around the group output. And now folks want to adjust based on a healthy discussion. Is that possible, or do I need to create a new project?
Ron, unfortunately there is no possibility to access the pairwise comparison, once submitted. You need to create a new project.
Thanks for the big services you give us. My question is there tools dealing with suppliers using ANP method
The only ANP software, I know, is the one from Superdecisions (see links on the right). I am personally not very convinced. The whole method is quite complex and it is difficult to verify the correctness of the results. See also my videos about ANP on Youtube: ANP Introduction and ANP practical Application
Hello, I’m Poppy from Indonesia.
I’m doing a thesis and take a subject around decision support system with analytical hierarchy process.
I’m developing DSS and AHP but not sure can’t implement in web base.
need your advices or references. where can I get the source code but still refer to this formula.
thank you
Sorry, can’t help with the source code. I developed it on my own and it’s not open source.
Regards, Klaus
Dear Klaus,
Thanks for developing this tool.
I have a small problem though. When I started a proyect, a entered some ‘test’ participant just to evaluate how your software worked. Since my project has been completed, I wna’t just to ‘erease / delete’ the first inputs I done (the ‘test’ user’). How can I do this? It is possible? Thanks!
Dear Jorge,
at the moment there is no possibility to erase/delete inputs of individual participants. You can open a project with participants’ input and click “Use consol. priorities”. Then “Reset priorities” and “Save hierarchy”. Then you will have the same hierarchy as a new project without participants’ input.
Hope, this helps.
Dear Prof. Goepel,
thanks for your very interesting tools for decision makers.
please kindly support me , I am trying to do evaluation of alternatives but in the step 3: “evaluation of alternatives”, the all of the examples I have done only appear the results of compare criteria with the message: “for group eval” or “leave group”. I COULD NOT see the message ” ok, submit to the group eval or alternative eval” with “alternative”. So I could not continue to do the evaluation of alternative.
Please kindly help me, I am really need to apply this tool for my research. Thank you so much for your consideration.
Sorry for my late reply! your comment ended up in the spam queue … Did you save the project as a new project after defining the alternatives? Hierarchy evaluation and alternative evaluation are two projects, one should appear as type “H”, the other as type “A” in your project list.