389 thoughts on “Feedback”

  1. Excellent tool. Very useful form me.
    Appreciate, if you could make an android application.

    Best Regards

  2. Thanks for setting up this useful site and for the Excel template.

    I’m interested in trying the online AHP tool, but I can’t seem to create my own hierarchy — I only get the demo everytime. Are we not allowed to create our own decision hierarchy? Maybe I’m missing something.

    1. After login click on “My AHP Projects” and then “Create New Hierarchy”. You will see the project “My favorite Color” with 3 criteria. Under the headline “Input a new Hierarchy” change/input your new hierarchy text in the text input field, click on “Submit new Hierarchy”. Once finished, click on “Save hierarchy”, a session code will be generated and you can input a project description. Click on “Go”, and the new project will be reflected in your project list.

  3. Thank you SO much! This spreadsheet is easy to use and made my research process so much easier.

  4. Many many thanks! It helps me so much. Clear instruction and relatively user friendly.

  5. Dear Prof. Goepel,

    I am using your AHP Excel Template for a weightening process in my master thesis. It’s fantastic thanks a lot for providing this tool! I set up a group decision for the weightening with 7 experts and got as an result an consensus of 75%. Is there any paper or scientific source who explains the “qualitiy” of this result?

    Thanks a lot and best regards from Germany!

    1. Hallo Georg,

      the consensus indicator based on Shannon entropy was introduced by me in this paper
      I haven’t seen other publications giving an interpretation of the percentage. Based on my experience with AHP projects 75% is ok (acceptable consensus of the group).

      Regards, Klaus

  6. Many thanks for this AHP calculator. Are the resultant weights derived from a single iteration (the PEV) or from multiple iterations? I am having difficulty confirming the values when comparing to my manual calculations.

    1. Matthew, my excel template makes 12 iterations. My AHP-OS online software iterates until the difference between to consecutive iterations is lower than 1E-7; the maximum number of iterations is 20.

  7. Dear Prof. Goepel
    I am using online AHP SW. To how many respondents, I can send the link generated for pairwise comparison & alternative evaluation ?

    I want to send it to approximate 50-60 respondents. Is it possible?

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